
How to succeed? Get more sleep.

 今回はArianna Huffingtonという女性ジャーナリストのプレゼンテーションを扱います。そのメインテーマはタイトルの通り“睡眠”です。皆さんは普段どのくらい睡眠を取っていますか?受験生の皆さんにとって睡眠の量は非常に重要な問題ではないでしょうか。たくさん睡眠を取って短期集...
 今回はArianna Huffingtonという女性ジャーナリストのプレゼンテーションを扱います。そのメインテーマはタイトルの通り“睡眠”です。皆さんは普段どのくらい睡眠を取っていますか?受験生の皆さんにとって睡眠の量は非常に重要な問題ではないでしょうか。たくさん睡眠を取って短期集中型で勉強する人もいれば深夜遅くまで勉強している人もいるのではないでしょうか。  筆者の意見はタイトルの通り“Get more sleep”である訳ですが、その理由を含め聞いてみましょう!



問1. 次の(1)〜(3)の問いに対してそれぞれ正しい答えを一つ選び、その記号を記せ。
(1) Why did the speaker start the journey of rediscovering the value of good sleep?
ア Because she met many doctors and scientists who encourage her to get good sleep.
イ Because she fainted and got injured because of the exhaustion.
ウ Because she had met a lot of sleep deprived women.
エ Because she knew that many brilliant leaders had good and enough sleep.

(2) If a woman want to make a breakfast date with men at eight o'clock in Washington, ...
ア it's too early for men because usually stay asleep until late morning.
イ it's appropriate time for men because they often play tennis or do a conference call before breakfast.
ウ it's late for men because high-IQ leaders usually have a breakfast in the early morning.
エ it's late for men because they're really busy and get up early in the morning.

(3) According to the speaker, what is the essence of the leadership?
ア The ability to forecast the problem before they face it.
イ The ability to organize the quantity of the sleep of the member.
ウ The ability to make appropriate decisions in finance.
エ The ability to avoid an iceberg at the ocean.

問2. 以下の文章が英文と一致するように空所 (1)~(3)を埋めよ。

In fact, I have a feeling that if Lehman Brothers was Lehman Brothers and Sisters, they might still be around. While all the brothers were busy just being hyper-connected 24/7, maybe a sister ( 1 ), because she would have woken up from a seven-and-a-half- or eight-hour sleep and have been able to see the big picture. So as we are ( 2 ) in our world at the moment, what is good for us on a personal level, what's going to bring more joy, gratitude, effectiveness in our lives and be the best for our own careers is also what is best for the world. So I urge you ( 3 ) the great ideas that lie inside us, to shut your engines and discover the power of sleep.



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