問1. 次の(1)〜(3)の問いに対してそれぞれ正しい答えを一つ選び、その記号を記せ。
(1) What is the obligation which comes up with the spread of mobile devices?
ア The obligation that we always have to allow others to be available.
イ The obligation that we must always have access to mobile devices.
ウ The obligation that we all have to have our own mobile devices.
エ The obligation that we have to keep mobile devices connected to the Internet.
(2) What is "the Stretch" in this presentation?
ア It's a physical contortion that makes you refreshed.
イ It's a technique to express your anger to rude behavior.
ウ It's a trick to check the mobile device secretly.
エ it's a trick to keep you away from mobile devices.
(3) According to the speaker, which of the following is NOT true?
ア We have to use mobile devices more humanly.
イ Our reality is often more interesting than the story to be told later.
ウ The story you tell will become a part of your identity.
エ Being available to mobile devices may cause some collisions.
問2. 以下の文章が英文と一致するように空所 (1)~(3)を埋めよ。
So, as we lose ( 1 ), it becomes incredibly important that what you share becomes the context of shared narrative, becomes the context in which we live. The stories that we tell -- what we push out -- becomes who we are. People aren't simply projecting identity, they're creating it.
And so that's the request I have ( 2 ). We are creating the technology that is going to create the new shared experience, which will ( 3 ). And so my request is, please, let's make technologies that make people more human, and not less.
Thank you.