
Got a meeting? Take a walk.

 さて今回のプレゼンテーションは"walking meeting"にまつ...

 さて今回のプレゼンテーションは"walking meeting"にまつわるものです。その名の通り歩きながら行われる会議がどんな効果をもたらすのか、聞いてみましょう!



問1. 次の(1)〜(3)の問いに対してそれぞれ正しい答えを一つ選び、その記号を記せ。
(1) According to the speaker, today's people...
ア use the Internet with mobile devices over seven hours a day.
イ sleep about 9 hours a day on average.
ウ who smoke are likely to sit longer than others.
エ stay sitting more than a third of a day.

(2) What is the advantage of "the walking meeting"? Choose NOT appropriate one.
ア We may be able to come up with something unconventional.
イ We can care our health as well as fulfill our obligations.
ウ We will become more cheerful and sociable.
エ We can see something from a different perspective.

(3) According to the speaker, which of the following is true?
ア Her father died of heart disease, which was caused by the lack of physical activity.
イ She got into the walking meeting and she walks about 20~30 miles a week.
ウ The walking meeting brings us great ideas, especially about governance of a company.
エ The lack of physical activity is much more serious problem than smoking.

問2. 以下の文章が英文と一致するように空所 (1)~(3)を埋めよ。

And second, and probably the more reflective one, is just about how much each of us can hold problems in opposition when they're ( 1 ). And if we're going to solve problems and look at the world really differently, whether it's in governance or business or environmental issues, job creation, maybe ( 2 ) reframe those problems as having both things be true. Because it was when that happened with this walk-and-talk idea that things became doable and sustainable and viable.


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